The B2B Future Shopper Report 2023

Welcome to the third edition of Wunderman Thompson Commerce and Technology’s B2B Future Shopper report. The last version, launched in September 2021, saw us covering the leading eCommerce markets of the UK, the US and China.

This year, we are delighted that the report can now truly be called global – with Europe represented by the UK, Germany and the Netherlands, APAC represented by China, Japan, India and Australia, Africa represented by South Africa, the Middle East by the UAE and the Americas by the US and Brazil. So what have we found?

This report will help you understand the needs of your B2B customers and offers clear guidance on how to meet their aspirations, whether partnering with a marketplace, optimizing through mobile sites or selling through the metaverse.

Read the report to find out where B2B buyers go for inspiration, search and purchase, their pain-points and evolving needs. It offers the latest insights and expert advice to help you shape and deliver a leading omnichannel strategy. Most importantly, it will help you to deepen the connection with your customers today and in the future as well as transact more with them across every channel.

Download the report here.