Shop! Student Design Awards Across the Globe 2019-20

We would like to share some inspirational student work from our global colleagues at Shop! and POPAI associations.

The Shop! and POPAI Student Design Awards aim to inspire and inform the next generation of store designers by offering college-level students a forum in which to share their aesthetic sensibility, design competence and passion for retail planning for diverse retail markets.

In this report, we highlight First, Second and Third place award recipients and the Gold, Silver and Bronze from each participating country. Entries represent first-year to graduate level studies in retail graphic, product and spatial design. The prize-winning entries beautifully illustrate the evolution from creative idea, to concept, to finished design. The innovations in POP, POP-UP, signage, digital and complete in-store installations provide unique insights on in-store marketing, shopper activation and global retail innovation as seen through the eyes of today’s students.

Shop! and POPAI wish to thank the member countries, Czech Republic, France, Greater China, Hungary, Japan, Russia and UK/Ireland for making the Student Design Awards available in their countries, and the schools & universities, partners, sponsors and judges for raising the bar on this competition and advancing the retail industry with knowledge, skills and creativity.

And most importantly, huge congratulations to the award recipients. You truly are the future of retail design!

Entries from the Shop! and POPAI Student Design Awards

Download the Shop! and POPAI Student Design Awards Report below.