Category Description:
Awarded to the best Australian or New Zealand produced tern para ry or permanent display in any Australian or NZ retailer. Your entry must be 700% produced in Australia or NZ (excluding componentry/some materials) by an Australian or New Zealand-based business. All processing of raw materials such as printing, fabrication of metal work and timber etc as wel I as assembly and packing of the unit MUST be completed in either Australia or NZ. Minimum run of 25 units. *Excluded components purchased outside Australia or NZ may include the following:
- Lighting, motors
- Control units
- Injection molded components
- Nuts & Bolts
- Ticket stripping
- Complete props
- Clips
- Strips
- Connection Parts
- Hinges
- Hooks, and raw materials such as timber, acrylic, and other substrates.
Judges will consider
How the entry addresses the brief; design impact; fit for purpose; stock weight and management; ease of distribution and installation; is the display sturdy, cost effective and recyclable; Interaction with the shopper (lighting, moving parts); navigation; education; flexibility and campaign-ability; as well as the local skill involved in manufacture.