2024 Shop! ANZ Events Calendar

We host a variety of events across the year to keep you up to date with what's going on in Retail Marketing locally and globally.

Starting with the Professional Development Series of Breakfasts in Melbourne and Sydney, and concluding with our flagship Shop! Australia and New Zealand Retail Marketing Awards and Conference. Shop! host events that cover a fantastic range of industry must know topics for designers, shopper marketers, researchers and anyone working in the field of retail marketing.

2024 Professional Development Series

2023 Shop! Australia and New Zealand Retail Marketing Awards

The Shop! Retail Marketing Awards are the only point of sale, shopper, and retail marketing industry Awards recognising the success and achievements of point of sale suppliers, manufacturers and designers for both retailers and brands in Australia and New Zealand.

2024 Shop! Australia and New Zealand Retail Marketing Online Conference

Learn about cutting edge trends and industry challenges from a who’s who of retailers, brands and innovators at our annual one-day retail marketing summit. International and national case studies and thinking.

Bookings and More Infomation

To find out more about each event and book tickets, please go to the main EVENTS PAGE