David Morgan talks about the change in consumer demand in 2020

David Morgan talks acceleration of change in consumer demand

Carla Bridge, General Manager, Shop! ANZ talks to David Morgan , Founder of international marketing group, MacMORGAN Next Practice Marketing who will be presenting at the Shop! Retail Marketing in 2020 Online Conference 15-16 September.

In this insightful video interview, David talks about behavioural changes in 2020 that are leading to "customer demand" being replaced by the need to serve "demanding customers".

It's time to put away the crystal ball and learn how to use data to understand insights into the new shopper!

David is one of 8 retail marketing experts talking at the Shop! ANZ Retail Marketing in 2020 Online Conference 15-16 September.

About David Morgan

David is one of the world’s most experienced marketing professionals, with an extraordinary career leading marketing for some of the world’s largest and most influential companies including; Procter & Gamble, Citibank, Samsung, HBOS, Standard Chartered Bank and Nestle.

David is now Principal at MacMORGAN, an international marketing consulting group which supports customer driven business growth - through consulting and capability development - for organisations transforming to customer experience based business models. MacMORGAN clients include; Suncorp, Johnson & Johnson, Lego, Health World, Mars, Canon, Macquarie University, Seven West Media, Tabcorp, Westpac, Sanitarium, Tourism Australia, PwC, Parmalat, Aspen Pharmaceuticals, Optus, OMD, Pernod Ricard, ANZ, amongst many others. David is also Chairman of Shopper Media Group.

TOPIC: What does marketing personalisation mean to shopping behaviours?

- Why driving "customer demand" has been replaced by the need to serve "demanding customers"
- Transformation of the role of marketing from Brand led to Customer Experience led, and the impact that has on all the industry, and our shoppers
- What is “personalisation”, and what can marketers do versus what shoppers will allow them do
- The importance of “bottom up”, understanding how to serve Local Area Communities needs to become the primary driver of success
- Managing data rich clients requires a different approach from data poor clients
- How COVID-19 is changing our shoppers
- What all this means for our average shopper “Betty from Blacktown” 

Join the conversation at the Shop! Retail Marketing in 2020 Online Conference over 2 mornings Tuesday 15 September and Wednesday 16 September.

You will have opportunities to ask questions of David and 7 other presenters at the end of each section.