EOFY Special -Take over our Homepage Banner

Waiting for the right time to take up a Shop! Membership for your team?

Become a Shop! member before June 30 and receive one-week free promotion in pole position on our Homepage banner with a direct link to a URL page of your choice.

Special EOFY offer:

  • Take over the Shop! Homepage banner for a week (agreed date with Shop!)
  • Design your own banner within specifications (approval required by Shop!)
  • Link banner advertising to webpage of your choice or,
  • Option to link banner to a news story on the Shop! website
  • Promotion on one Shop! newsletter sent to our database of more than 5,000 subscribers
  • Introduction posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with links to your social media accounts
  • Inclusion in Shop! Directory
  • PLUS, everything else that comes with being a Shop! ANZ Member! 

Existing Shop! Member EOFY Special

Already a member? You can take up the same offer for $250 +GST.

Email Shop! to book your spot by June 30 shop@shopassociation.org.au

Download the 2021 Shop! Membership Brochure to read about all the benefits.

Email Shop! to get started! shop@shopassociation.org.au

Shop! offers 12 month corporate memberships (unlimited staff members) for AU$2,500+GST.